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Our jails are filled with heartbreaking love stories and failed relationships because of societies issues that are harming our world’s culture and damaging the balance between men and women as a whole. Over the past 10 to 20 years legal age limits have been raised to 18. There are many cases today where an 18 year old young man is dating a 17 year old young woman and because someone else disagrees, the man is at extreme risk of getting sentence to a long time in jail. We have set up young men to fail because we have taught women that to get attention they should portray themselves as sensual beings instead of divine feminine females who support the masculine role in our communities and our world.
Our corrupt legal system uses this loop hole along with many other tactics to their advantage in order to increase jail rates and perpetuate tax payer burden by increasing politicians paychecks, government run for profit prisons, and prosecutors payrolls. Our legal system is only about gain, greed and profit seeking self righteous political agendas and oversight corruption vs caring about human rights!
The trends of our media and social upbringing has lead our culture into misunderstanding the roles of men and women. We are harming the role of men in our world by truing them into the “bad guy” while failing to see the psychology of human chemistry and attraction. We place a huge amount of guilt and shame on the men of our day when if not for good men we would be in shambles, but we look down on them and treat them as predator’s instead of honoring them as protectors! We must turn this thinking around before we completely demolish all hope of healthy relationships between men and women.
Our society tells women they need to be sexy to get attention and be accepted, even when parents may try to do their best to raise a young woman in a good manner, our social trends can damage this. Society and peer pressure plays a huge part in defining how women view themselves and their surrounding world while they grow into adulthood and beyond.
How many young women are currently posting images or trying to gain status by giving way to the same trends of the music industry, the media they absorb and the targeted sexual content they are constant bombarded with on a daily basis? We have been teaching our children that to be accepted you need to be some perverted version of perfection verses teach values, kindness and love. We allow our children to absorb too much toxic media and this causes toxic teenagers and young ladies to be promiscuous at younger ages.
Anyone who disagrees with this article needs to step back and take a good look around our communities and high schools, you can see for yourselves the impact and question why. If you hesitate to believe this do your own research and look around, can you tell physically the difference between a 17 year old young woman and a 27 year young old woman? It is usually more obvious the difference in a 17 year old male compared to a 27 year old male but more and more we are pressuring young people to be adults at earlier ages while expecting them to still act like teenagers and this is causing a lot of issues both culturally and systematically which is leading to more men in our jails and the downfall of strong solid men presence in our world!
Unfortunately we then turn our poor parenting and bad behaviors onto men who we accuse being the so called “bad guys” in our societies failing and damaging trends! It is sad and it needs to change. We need to understand how much damage we have been doing to the male collective and how it has harmed the entire balance of our human condition.
The goal of our foundation is not just to help uphold the honor of men and fight for their rights but also to help change the laws that protect men from women who manipulate the system and use unfair tactics to try to play with men’s emotions based on tired outdated laws that only cater to women who enjoy playing the victim.